The 300

Welcome to, your destination for a unique quant-as-a-service experience that sets us apart in the financial world.

Like a group of skilled strategists, we've adopted the spirit of the legendary 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, embracing determination over numbers. Our goal isn't to overwhelm the competition; it's to bring a fresh perspective to the table.

Much like how asymmetry of information can be a hidden pathway to success, we specialize in uncovering those often overlooked insights.

Our Market Maker Inventory models and Quantitative metrics are designed exclusively for our Institutional clients, with the aim of providing them a distinct edge. We don't just provide data – we offer a strategic advantage that’s invaluable.

We've adopted the ethos of the Spartans, but our approach is a harmonious symphony, not a war cry.

At, we compose our own tune, standing out from the crowd without the need for bombast. Our performance speaks for itself; real results, not vague promises. Take a look at our here, where we delve into recent model picks to give you a taste of our approach.

Speaking of approach, we steer clear of the sensationalism of headlines and the noise of current events. News takes a back seat to the cold, hard facts and figures that drive our decisions. Our strategy is grounded in data, ensuring that each step we take is backed by careful analysis.

If you're seeking a quant-as-a-service experience that's as refined as a conversation in a cozy London pub, combined with the precision of a Savile Row suit, you've found your solution. combines data, insight, and a touch of British wit to navigate the financial landscape.

We invite you to join us in rewriting the playbook, to embrace humility in the face of markets, and to make waves in the financial world. Let's trade smarter together.

Ready to explore further? Get Access Now.